Gale Acuff
Everybody's a sinner says my Sun
-day School teacher but it's hard to believe
that she is so after class I said so
right to her face though it was buried
--that's a figure of speech--in the Good Book
but she did look up at me alone be
-fore her desk (that means in front of) and smile
like a son of a bitch (vulgarism)
and say Why, thank you Dear Boy, but I too
transgress (she meant sin) but I said I don't
believe it, ma'am, and then she asked Are you
calling me a liar, Gale, and then she
frowned like maybe God Almighty does, I
bet that He could out-scowl Satan
(is that irony?). So I said I am.
One day I'll die they say at church and Sun
-day School and of course I learned that long a
-go, before I ever remember go
-ing to church at all or kindergarten
but something about religion makes death
better, I mean important, as if it
really matters and they say it does, all
that stuff about my eternal soul and
where it will spend Eternity and so
on and I guess that matters but I won't
really know for sure until I'm dead so
So much for faith, ha ha, which is what I
told my Sunday School teacher, who laughed and
laughed, the kind of laughter you hear in Hell.
Now just how do I know that? By the sound.